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Fair Usage Policy

Fair Usage Policy

This policy was last updated on 3rd April 2019

ADWConnect Ltd (“ADWConnect Ltd”,  “ADWConnect”) has created this Fair Usage Policy (“FUP”) to ensure the responsible, fair and reasonable use of ADWConnect’s networks, services, systems, web sites and products (collectively, the“ADWConnect Products and Services”, ”Services”) by our customers and other users of ADWConnect Products and Services (collectively, the “User(s)”), and to enable ADWConnect to provide Users with reliable, secure and efficient services. By contracting for or using our Services, in addition to any other agreements Users may have entered into with ADWConnect, Users agree to be bound by the terms of this FUP. ADWConnect reserves the right to modify this FUP at any time and in its sole discretion, with such modifications being effective when posted. Any use of ADWConnect Products and Services after such modification constitutes acceptance of the FUP as revised. This FUP is part of the ADWConnect Terms and Conditions set forth at (“Terms and Conditions”).

Termination/Suspension Any User that ADWConnect determines to have violated any element of this FUP may be subject to suspension or termination of service, with or without notice. ADWConnect has the right, but not the obligation, to take further action as ADWConnect determines to be appropriate under the circumstances to eliminate or preclude repeated violations. ADWConnect shall not be liable for any damages of any nature suffered by any User, or any third party, resulting in whole or in part from ADWConnect’s exercise of its rights under this FUP.

Prohibited Conduct ADWConnect Products and Services must be used for lawful purposes only and in a manner consistent with the intended purpose of ADWConnect Products and Services. Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to distribute, transmit, post, receive, use or store any type or kind of material:

  • in violation of any local, state, or federal laws and regulations;
  • that may expose ADWConnect to criminal liability; or
  • that may adversely affect ADWConnect Products and Services or other ADWConnect Customers or Users.

Users are further prohibited from facilitating the violation of any of this FUP and from violating or facilitating the violation of another provider’s FUP, including distributing, transmitting, posting, receiving, using, storing or otherwise providing any product or service that violates this FUP or another provider’s FUP. Any time a User accesses another provider or network using the ADWConnect Products and Services, such User must comply with the provider or network’s rule and policies. User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold ADWConnect harmless from all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) resulting from or allegedly resulting from such User’s access or use of other providers or networks.

Inappropriate Content Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to distribute, transmit, post, receive, use or store material that is inappropriate, as reasonably determined by ADWConnect, or material that is obscene (including child pornography), defamatory, libelous, threatening, abusive, hateful or excessively violent.

Harmful Content Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to distribute, transmit, post, receive, use or store material that may be harmful to, or interfere with, ADWConnect Products and Services or any third party’s systems, networks, web sites or services. Such prohibited content includes, but is not limited to worms, viruses, or Trojan horses.

Fraudulent or Misleading Content Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to distribute, transmit, post, receive, use or store material containing fraudulent offers for products or services, or any advertising or promotional materials that contain deceptive, false, or misleading statements, representations or claims. Users are prohibited from submitting any false or inaccurate data on any order form, contract or online application, including the fraudulent use of credit cards.

Email/Unsolicited Messages Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to transmit unsolicited email messages including, without limitation, unsolicited bulk email, where such emails could reasonably be expected to provoke complaints (“spam”). Users are prohibited from using the services of another provider to distribute spam or to promote a site hosted on or connected to ADWConnect Products and Services. Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to:

  • send email messages that are excessive or intended to harass others;
  • continue to send email messages to a recipient that has indicated that recipient does not wish to receive them;
  • send email with forged TCP/IP packet header information;
  • send malicious email, including “mail bombing”;
  • send or receive email messages in a manner that violates the policies of any other provider; or
  • use an email box exclusively as storage space for data.

Intellectual Property Material accessible through ADWConnect Products and Services may be subject to protection under publicity, privacy or other personal and intellectual property rights. Such rights include, but are not limited to, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks or other proprietary information. Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services in any manner that would breach, dilute, misappropriate or otherwise violate any such rights. Users must not use a domain name in connection with any ADWConnect Products and Services, and must not use that domain name in violation of the trademark, service mark or other rights of any third party.

Third Party Rules Users may have access through ADWConnect Products and Services to search engines, chat rooms, bulletin boards, Web pages and services or other services that publish rules, guidelines or agreements to govern their use. Users must adhere to any such rules, guidelines or agreements.

Inappropriate Actions Users shall not use ADWConnect Products and Services to conduct activities that may be harmful to, or interfere with, ADWConnect Products and Services or any third party’s networks, systems, services, or Web sites. This includes, but is not limited to, mail bombing, flooding or denial of service attacks. Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of ADWConnect Products and Services, or the computers, accounts, or networks of another party. Users are prohibited from any activity considered a precursor to attempted security violations, including any form of probing, scanning or other testing of information gathering activity. Inappropriate activity may result in civil or criminal liability. ADWConnect will investigate such activity, and may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting Users involved in such activity.

Responsibility for Content ADWConnect assumes no responsibility for any material created or accessible on or through ADWConnect Products and Services. ADWConnect is not obligated to monitor or exercise any editorial control over such material, but reserves the right to do so. Should ADWConnect become aware that any such material may violate this FUP or expose ADWConnect to civil or criminal liability, ADWConnect reserves the right to block access to such material and suspend or terminate any User creating, storing or disseminating such material. ADWConnect further reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities and third parties in the investigation of alleged wrongdoing, including disclosing the identity of the User that ADWConnect deems responsible for the wrongdoing.

Commercial Use When using our Services or Software you agree and represent that you purchase, use our Services, Software and/or the equipment for your internal use only. You agree that you may not to resell, transfer or make a change to the Services without the advance express written permission of ADWConnect. You shall not in any way interfere with other users, the services or equipment of the network or use the Services or Software in any way for (or as part of) any commercial service or application.

Fair and Reasonable Use ADWConnect desires that Users understand the intended and permissible uses of ADWConnect Products and Services, and further desires to prevent fraud, exploitation and abuse of certain ADWConnect calling plans and features. Certain plans, including unlimited calling and/or data plans, are designed for normal commercial use and are not intended to represent typical usage by unique organizations such as call centers, resellers, fax messaging services, telemarketing firms, or for use without live dialog, such as transcription services, intercom or monitoring services. Unauthorized or excessive use beyond that normally experienced by typical business customers violates this FUP and may cause extreme network capacity and congestion issues and interfere with ADWConnect’s network and third party networks with whom ADWConnect connects for call initiation and completion services. As a guide, Users will be considered to be in violation of this FUP when any of the following occur:

VoIP Services:

  • Voice: 1,000 inbound and outbound minutes per subscriber line per month
  • SMS: 1,000 inbound and outbound messages per subscriber line per month
  • Facsimile: 500 transmitted pages sent or received per subscriber line per month

Mobile SIM Services in the United Kingdom:

  • Voice: 4,000 inbound and outbound minutes per SIM per month
  • SMS: 4,000 inbound and outbound messages per SIM per month
  • Data: 40 GB transmitted data within the UK/EU per SIM per month

In addition, unlimited plans may not be used for any of the following prohibited uses (which are in addition to the other prohibited uses under this FUP or otherwise applicable to the ADWConnect Products and Services):

  • Spamming or blasting (e.g., sending one hundred (100) or more bulk and/or junk voicemail or faxes simultaneously);
  • Bulk call-in lines (e.g., customer support or sales call centers, “hotlines,” 900 numbers, sports-line numbers, etc.); or
  • Auto-dialing or “predictive” dialing (i.e., non-manual dialing or using a software program or other means to continuously dial or place out-bound calls).

Unlimited Plans in the United Kingdom This includes outgoing inclusive calls to international geographic landline numbers specified in your call plan and for outgoing inclusive calls when calling UK landline numbers starting with 01, 02 and 03. Calls to mobiles are not included unless specified.

Unlimited Plans in the United States of America This excludes outgoing inclusive calls to USA Hawaii, USA Alaska, Canada Yukon & Northwest.

Calls have a maximum call duration of 2 hours per call, after which time the call will be disconnected.

ADWConnect reserves the right to review Users’ accounts at any time for potential abuses of this FUP. ADWConnect may determine abnormal or abusive usage based on comparisons to the usage patterns of other customers. If it is determined that Users violate this FUP, ADWConnect may invoice User, and User shall pay a per minute or per page fee for excessive use at the then-current rates established by ADWConnect. In addition to such excessive use charges, if ADWConnect identifies excessive or abusive traffic patterns, ADWConnect reserves the right to change Users’ applicable rate plan or suspend or terminate Service with or without notice.

ADWConnect reserves the right to change this FUP at any time. Changes shall become effective when a revised FUP is posted on our website.

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