

Please make sure to fill in this form as soon as possible to allow us time to order the equipment, configure it and get it shipped out to the corresponding user. We will do our best to provide the specific spec of any required equipment, however availability of specific hardware/models is not something we can guarantee.

We require a minimum of 5 business days to ensure the equipment has been ordered, configured and sent out.

Staff Details

We need this so that we can supply login and delivery information to the user.

Include the country code for example 442080891111. We need this so that the user can be verified when calling in for support.

HR Details

READ ONLY FIELD - As of 23rd Feb 2022 this format is to be used.

Enter the official start date of this user starting employment.

This is usually scheduled for 8:00AM of the requested date.

This would either been on date requested or the same day that their device needs setting up.


Will the user require a corporate Mac or PC or will they be using their own device. NOTE: A BYOD device will only work if not managed by another companies MDM server.

We usually attempt to have delivered 1-3 days before the requested date.

If there is no specific required spec, we will order our standard spec previously agreed depending on the machine type required. This may cause delays to the 5 days notice specified earlier.



By adding a user to a permission group, it will automatically give them access to those files/folders linked. See Intranet for list of sites.

Corporate Mobile

This is currently the iPhone 15 128gb (https://www.apple.com/uk/iphone/compare/ - if there is a preference for a different phone please specify in the additional requirements)

Who has submitted this request?

SharePoint New Site/Team

Full names with permissions: Edit, Contribute or Read. One per line.

Who has submitted this request?